Thursday, January 30, 2014

" Hard to catch" or "playing hard to catch"!

I live in beautiful Norway for the past 2 years.I was lucky to be able to interact with Norwegians as soon as I arrived, I didn’t know any Norwegian before I came but I approached them.

 Have I learned the language? well well :) These people besides being very warm and sensitive they speak fairly good English.

 I arrived to this country with one suitcase but whole lot of invisible baggage. Do we want  to talk about those? No! I know. We let them be invisible and, once in a while, in different relationships when someone  comes into our lives and light is shed and all of a sudden we are seen and we, by the way, love it, one of those baggage becomes visible. It is inevitable regardless of the relationship being with a woman or a man. 

The thing is that the baggage we have is not all bad, some of the things in there are wonderful qualities we have even ourselves misunderstood and are afraid to admit or show them to others.

At the beginning of my arrival to Norway I kept saying:
Jeg må lære å snakke norsk fordi jeg ønsker å jobbe in norge.
now I say:
 Jeg må lære å snakke norsk fordi jeg elsker folke og  jeg har så mye å dele.

I kind of feel that my way of learning is to share. I often have a great network of friends and acquaintances that is larger than my days and months and year. I almost like everyone I meet and I love to have a second and third meet with them but I hardly manage. 

The thing is when we interact with each other, with some people we end up meeting more often. I feel, and the way I see it and I might be wrong, is that either I am very present in the meeting and I am shedding light and the other one is seen therefore she/he really enjoys it, or I am seen and I enjoy it very much. Now in an interaction that we are both seen we seem to continue having a balanced relationship and we end up having more coffees, chats and walks. 

Another possibility seems to be when we are not under pressure from the other party.

 People who live a full life seem to be more interesting to hang out with. They are not ” playing hard to catch” they actually are ”hard to catch”.

How can we live a full life? When was it when we actually lived a full life? If I have a quick look to observe mine, maybe when I was 7 year old. When were you living a full life? 

At the age of 7 I was learning, playing, singing, dancing, I saw and appreciated all my playmates and I was seen by several little boys, one of which I really liked.

Do I still feel like when I was 7? Do you feel your inner child in you?  Do you want to keep her alive? Do you want to be caring, loving, protective towards her/him? 

I see that little girl in me, she really is still so alive, she wants to be playful. I see her come out and play when in snowy days instead of just tapping the boots to the floor before entering any place, if no one is around, she makes a double jump :) I observe her giggling when she is finding her right position to fall asleep. I see her when she wakes up with the alarm clock and still says to herself  ”pasho pasho”! And every time I laugh at myself. This is a Persian expression meaning stand up or rise!

Do you want to keep her alive in you? I feel we don’t have a choice we must! Lets! At least lets see and nurture her/him , whoever and however she is, if she is stiff, too flexible, artistic, scared, too brave, polite, achiever, confused... it really doesn’t matter. If I love her/him for who she/he is, if I see her/him, others may see her/him too. Because...

” growth is only possible in a loving and nurturing environment”.

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