Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Writing out of love about Cancer


Are you afraid to get cancer? Have you ever seen a cancer patient? I don’t mean in movies, for real?
The fear of cancer seems to be partly from  the fact that few subtle symptoms are exhibit-able before the cancer is advanced. Therefore we do think at times what if it is cancer regardless of the symptoms.

 The possibility is always there but the possibility of everything is always there.
There is a lot we can do to keep the  body balanced and healthy. Cancer is a disease that occurs when the entire body is imbalanced, when the immune system is down and the normal protective measures are insufficient.

Now the question is what can bring our immune system down? How can the protective measures become insufficient all of a sudden?

Let me tell you, it never happens all of a sudden. Cancer is amongst chronic diseases, it means it takes quite a while for it to happen and become what it is. Human body is so strong and potentially it is very alert to the offenses. The immune system works like an army, it even has some cells we call Natural killer cells, and they really kill if needed.

Cancer begins when cells within the body are defective, either from damage to, or an error in, the genetic structure. In a healthy body this error is quickly recognized and is removed before they can do harm to the rest of the body. But if the body’s immune system is weak, these wrong cells grow.

There are always „ do”s and „don’t”s in life. The do is eat healthy. Go for lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, good oils (flax seed oils, olive oils, walnut oil, sunflower oil, fish oil). Get some fresh air everyday. Move your body everyday.

The don’t are as easy as do s. Please please please stop eating margarine! It is a man made product, the plastic of dairy products, it is good for nothing and, it is in every junk and ready food you can imagine! Be it chips, biscuits, crackers, cakes, chocolate, etc.

Stops smoking my friend! Not because I love you and I want you to live longer, and not because I hate it when you pass by me in the street and puff it into my face but ,because it took Dr.Otto Warburg to win the Nobel Prize two times to discover that lack of oxygen to the cells is a factor in cancer development. 

I am not going to write more about cigarette because  even if I tell you that they add fungi and sugar to the end product of the cigarettes and tobacco is further made carcinogen through fungal contamination you will still smoke. So for now don’t puff it into my face next time you pass by me.

Another reason for cancer is exposure to radiation, pollution, chemicals and pesticides. People who travel a lot should realize that there is whole lot of radiation up there in the flights. Now I do not want to scare you, not at all. There are whole lot of good news about cancer prevention and treatment  as well.You should definitely go for routine check ups.

Use of folic acid (Vitamin B9) has reversed cervical dysplasia, so has vitamin C and Beta carotene prevented stomach cancer and zinc has with prostate cancer. 

As you know I am a believer of sound emotion. My only advice is we should not give up when we loose a loved one! It happens a lot that after loosing someone we love cancer appears. It has been proved that sadness can weaken the immune system and happiness, laughter, joy and gratitude strengthens the immune system.

Lets not live our life with the fear of possibilities, because anything can happen 50% ! Lets be grateful for the other 50%. Did you get me? Because I didn’t get myself :)

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