Saturday, June 7, 2014

Writing out of love about decisions

Are you decisive or indecisive? Do you have so many choices and is that why it is difficult to decide? Or are you generally like that, I mean you narrow the whole shoe market to two pair of shoes and you still don't know which one to buy? :)

Decision making is not easy I am with you in that, except I don't buy as many shoes as I would love to :) I am crazy about shoes.

 Decision making entitles that we examine the situation, the pros and contras and even if we think we can't decide we sacrifice something and go for one of the two.

Making choices is not about being certain in one thing, or at least now I think, it is more about sacrificing one thing, or giving up something. I mean look at those two pairs of shoes, you love both of them don't you? Wouldn't it make you happier if you would think you were sacrificing or giving up one of them?

What I am trying to say is that when we are making choices there are so many virtues at work, please forgive my simple example of choosing shoes.

 We are in fact making decisions in every moment of our lives. To lie or tell the truth? To be honest or cheat? To help or ignore? To fill our lives with work or have some space for love? To focus on my values or give myself away? To be real or fake? To drink and drive or to choose a good company and dine? To use the faculty of meditation every day or go on antidepressant and sleeping pills? To do sport or sit at the computer? To live or to die? To clean the apartment or postpone it? To send yet another note to the one I love or sit and cry? To serve or let my work be service? To take care of my body or take care of everyone else's mind? To get annoyed by something someone said or let go? To tell someone you love him/her back or I don't have time for this?

Life is about choices. When we make choices we need justice to be the best beloved, we need sacrifice at the apex of our heart, we need love towards all creatures, we need joy flowing throughout our lymphatic system, we need discernment as a glass to our eyes and we need care towards ourselves.

Life is about choices! I want to choose to be happy today. I am grateful I have the free Will to choose to be happy....I really am grateful!

For today and all it's blessings I owe life an attitude of gratitude."

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