Sunday, June 22, 2014

World Cup or Da'ish

Have you ever been tested with your patience? Is it because we expect everything to be as we want it to be? Is it because we want the people of the world and the universe to know us the way we know ourselves?

Patience is quiet hope and faith that things will turn out right. It is about us trusting the process of life.

Patience is about being gentle with myself and others when we make mistakes. 

Is this a co-incidence that Da'ish is attacking Iraq right when the attention of the people of the world and media is on the World Cup? How about all those people being killed everyday? I love to see everyone celebrating so do I, yet a part of my heart goes for those people in Iraq, Syria and of course Iran. 

Iran's nuclear power development is another headline for the media where actually the hot topic in Iran is Human Rights violation full-force!

Well well well... Patience is accepting things I can not control.
Patience helps me to keep my peace.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Prince Haakon of Norway

If you walk with a bag of garbage in the street what do you attract? Mosquitoes or butterflies? How about if you wear a delicious fragrant what would you attract?

If you are a lonely anti-social person would you attract bunch of cool, fun loving people to yourself?

I listened to a lecture and apparently we have learned in physics that a thing with lower intensity attracts similar things with higher intensity.  And the conclusion was I attract people who are similar to myself or I attract a higher (potency homeopathic form of it) similar to what I have in a low dose. If I am a little stubborn I attract a very very stubborn person, but if I am very very kind then I get attracted to someone who is little kind, or so to say the other person with little kindness attracts me who is very very kind. Do you get it?

You can make a list of 5-6 people  who are around you, include your spouse, a person you love, your family members and your friends. Then write down one or more qualities you know in them that you really like and write something you do not like in them. After the list is done have a look at the qualities regardless of the names. That is YOU!
Oooops! :) or Heyyyyy! : )

This, at least to me, confirms Oneness. We seem to be One (soul) in different bodies. If I dislike what I am seeing it would be wise to think for a second what if he/she is a part of myself?

Yesterday I was walking in Akker Brygge in Oslo with some wonderful happy friends. The Crown Prince of Norway Prince Haakon was walking with his lovely wife and two cute kids.
 Yes!!!! absolutely! Norway is a very special country with special people. The Royal family walks where we all do and no one approaches them to cut a piece of their clothes. I asked one of my friends if the Crown Prince's wife was also from a Royal family  and she said no! She seemed very nice and I thought to myself she must have a nobility in her soul to have attracted a Prince to herself.

If we want to attract trustworthy people we should identify that in ourselves.
The picture below is Prince Haakon and his wife
Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby and their two lovely children.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra
Prince Sverre Magnus

Prince Haakon of Norway and his family
 +pegah haji pour +SoulPancake +NRK beta +Todd Khozein +JOY Magazin +Oprah Winffrey +Behin Hajipour
+Maye Aghazadeh Lopez +Prince Haakon+NORWAY 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

World Cup! I want to Be Brazil

Do you watch football? What a question! You may stop reading my blog right away....please don't I will be short. Have you thought about those body guards/police that stay around the football court and watch people with their back to the game? Isn't that torture for someone who may love football?
There must be a great excitement going on in Brazil and more than ever not only I want to be in Brazil but I want to Be Brazil! Brazil has received one of the most beautiful letters The letter

The President of Brazil Ms.Dilma Rousseff has extended an invitation to the Baha'i World Centre and has asked them to make a statement and contribute to the promotion of world peace at the occasion of the World Cup. I want to say only a woman would think of such thing. My salutation to Ms President @Dilma Rousseff.

If you read The letter you will see how a meeting like World Cup can be viewed and experienced as a place to practice and observe Oneness conditioning each person tries to eliminate all kinds of prejudice from the heart and mind, where we put our focus on the teamwork and cooperation in each team rather than competition and winning, God forbid we think of beating the other team.

We don't need to have a Looser to be a Winner.
We can all be winners if we harvest the qualities and bring them back with us from Brazil.

I am happy Jennifer Lopez accepted to participate in the World Cup song, every time I watch the video I look forward to her part, it is not much though :)

Scroll up, read the letter, feel what I felt, I want to be Brazil <3

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Writing out of love about decisions

Are you decisive or indecisive? Do you have so many choices and is that why it is difficult to decide? Or are you generally like that, I mean you narrow the whole shoe market to two pair of shoes and you still don't know which one to buy? :)

Decision making is not easy I am with you in that, except I don't buy as many shoes as I would love to :) I am crazy about shoes.

 Decision making entitles that we examine the situation, the pros and contras and even if we think we can't decide we sacrifice something and go for one of the two.

Making choices is not about being certain in one thing, or at least now I think, it is more about sacrificing one thing, or giving up something. I mean look at those two pairs of shoes, you love both of them don't you? Wouldn't it make you happier if you would think you were sacrificing or giving up one of them?

What I am trying to say is that when we are making choices there are so many virtues at work, please forgive my simple example of choosing shoes.

 We are in fact making decisions in every moment of our lives. To lie or tell the truth? To be honest or cheat? To help or ignore? To fill our lives with work or have some space for love? To focus on my values or give myself away? To be real or fake? To drink and drive or to choose a good company and dine? To use the faculty of meditation every day or go on antidepressant and sleeping pills? To do sport or sit at the computer? To live or to die? To clean the apartment or postpone it? To send yet another note to the one I love or sit and cry? To serve or let my work be service? To take care of my body or take care of everyone else's mind? To get annoyed by something someone said or let go? To tell someone you love him/her back or I don't have time for this?

Life is about choices. When we make choices we need justice to be the best beloved, we need sacrifice at the apex of our heart, we need love towards all creatures, we need joy flowing throughout our lymphatic system, we need discernment as a glass to our eyes and we need care towards ourselves.

Life is about choices! I want to choose to be happy today. I am grateful I have the free Will to choose to be happy....I really am grateful!

For today and all it's blessings I owe life an attitude of gratitude."