Thursday, January 30, 2014

" Hard to catch" or "playing hard to catch"!

I live in beautiful Norway for the past 2 years.I was lucky to be able to interact with Norwegians as soon as I arrived, I didn’t know any Norwegian before I came but I approached them.

 Have I learned the language? well well :) These people besides being very warm and sensitive they speak fairly good English.

 I arrived to this country with one suitcase but whole lot of invisible baggage. Do we want  to talk about those? No! I know. We let them be invisible and, once in a while, in different relationships when someone  comes into our lives and light is shed and all of a sudden we are seen and we, by the way, love it, one of those baggage becomes visible. It is inevitable regardless of the relationship being with a woman or a man. 

The thing is that the baggage we have is not all bad, some of the things in there are wonderful qualities we have even ourselves misunderstood and are afraid to admit or show them to others.

At the beginning of my arrival to Norway I kept saying:
Jeg må lære å snakke norsk fordi jeg ønsker å jobbe in norge.
now I say:
 Jeg må lære å snakke norsk fordi jeg elsker folke og  jeg har så mye å dele.

I kind of feel that my way of learning is to share. I often have a great network of friends and acquaintances that is larger than my days and months and year. I almost like everyone I meet and I love to have a second and third meet with them but I hardly manage. 

The thing is when we interact with each other, with some people we end up meeting more often. I feel, and the way I see it and I might be wrong, is that either I am very present in the meeting and I am shedding light and the other one is seen therefore she/he really enjoys it, or I am seen and I enjoy it very much. Now in an interaction that we are both seen we seem to continue having a balanced relationship and we end up having more coffees, chats and walks. 

Another possibility seems to be when we are not under pressure from the other party.

 People who live a full life seem to be more interesting to hang out with. They are not ” playing hard to catch” they actually are ”hard to catch”.

How can we live a full life? When was it when we actually lived a full life? If I have a quick look to observe mine, maybe when I was 7 year old. When were you living a full life? 

At the age of 7 I was learning, playing, singing, dancing, I saw and appreciated all my playmates and I was seen by several little boys, one of which I really liked.

Do I still feel like when I was 7? Do you feel your inner child in you?  Do you want to keep her alive? Do you want to be caring, loving, protective towards her/him? 

I see that little girl in me, she really is still so alive, she wants to be playful. I see her come out and play when in snowy days instead of just tapping the boots to the floor before entering any place, if no one is around, she makes a double jump :) I observe her giggling when she is finding her right position to fall asleep. I see her when she wakes up with the alarm clock and still says to herself  ”pasho pasho”! And every time I laugh at myself. This is a Persian expression meaning stand up or rise!

Do you want to keep her alive in you? I feel we don’t have a choice we must! Lets! At least lets see and nurture her/him , whoever and however she is, if she is stiff, too flexible, artistic, scared, too brave, polite, achiever, confused... it really doesn’t matter. If I love her/him for who she/he is, if I see her/him, others may see her/him too. Because...

” growth is only possible in a loving and nurturing environment”.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

6+1 qualities of a well-achieved person

Have you met a well achieved person? Do you consider yourself one? Do you want to be well achieved? What does that really mean in our world of being?

I like to search the word in dictionary and see what it means in the world of words. Okey Achieve means:
1.To bring to a successful end, carry through, accomplish.

2. To get or attain by effort, gain, obtain

How many things have we brought to a successful end in our lives?
 A security guard in a bank or elsewhere, who comes to work in the morning, carries through and goes home in the evening, has he achieved something? He has protected the zone for us, he secured our safety, didn't he? Do we call him a well achieved man?

A bus driver who takes the passengers everyday to a destination, brings the bus to a successful end, accomplishes something, do we call him/her well achieved?

The terrorist who plans and unfortunately carries through and accomplishes with success (!) does he or his fellows call him well achieved?

Is Bill Gates a well achieved man?  Was Osama one? 

A well achieved person might be one who clings to what he/she wants and carries through and brings it to an end. At the end he/she may not like what is achieved,  because we all have a choice. Then it is time to move on :)

However, if while we do whatever we do, we miss to put the spirituality in the center of it, meaning the qualities of:
 1.compassion 2. respect 3. honesty 4. care 5. justice and the most importantly 6. love for all, then we may loose the essence of being called well achieved even if the dictionary will still call us that!

Friday, January 24, 2014

All my wisdom goes out the window for...

"I will only speak the language of my heart with the one who will get it

I ran to you I ran to you impatiently

As the flowers delivered your frangrance

My whole being longed for you

You are the ocean, I am the wave

All my wisdom goes out the window

For a cup of wine with you..."


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

13 sign of Magnesium deficiency

Do you have tics? Do you know anyone who has tics? Do you sometimes wake up at night with your leg cramped? Do you know a hyperactive (or ADD) child?

A tic is a sudden, repetitive, nonrhythmic motor movement or vocalization involving discrete muscle groups.Tics can also be invisible to the observer, such as abdominal tensing or toe crunching. Common motor and phonic tics are, respectively, eye blinking and throat clearing!

Since magnesium and calcium work together to make your heart muscle contract in a regular rhythm, one of the first signs of a magnesium deficiency is an irregular heartbeat. As a result of calcium/magnesium imbalance, calcium deposits may form on the heart muscle. If this happens, the heart cannot contract properly.

 Magnesium is also important in breaking down fats you eat into fatty acids that can be useful in building body parts like nerve sheaths and cellular membranes.But if those fats are not broken down properly, they begin to collect in deposits, which lodge on damaged arterial points. Thus a magnesium deficiency can increase risks of major degenerative heart diseases, arteriosclerosis that is the narrowing of the arterial lumen.

Another point to remember in this regard is that magnesium is necessary for the synthesis of lecithin, which also helps break down those fats.

You may have Magnesium Deficiency if you or your child experience:
1. ADD
2. Chocolate cravings (chocolate contains magnesium)
3. Restlessness,
4. Hypersensitivity,
6.Tics (most commonly eye blinking and throat clearing)
7. Smokers in general and passive smokers
8. High cholesterol
9. Muscle cramp in legs and feet
10. Irregular heartbeat
11. Abdominal tensing
12.Toe crunching
13. Insomnia (sleeplessness)

If you have any of the symptoms above make sure you take enough magnesium to replace the deficiency. You can find the details in the below page.

The page is mainly on ADD but under „ADD Natural Remedies – Supplements” you can find the dosage both for children and adults. You will see that the Magnesium which is suggested there has L-Threonate, it is called MagMind!

Magmind provides the only form of Magnesium (Magnesium L-threonate),to readily cross the blood-brain barrier.Increased levels of Magnesium in the brain supports improved learning & working memory.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Writing because it is Saturday

Do you meet critical people around you? Your boss? A colleague? Your mother or is it your father? A brother or an older sister? Maybe it’s your spouse? Don’t they just pop up in our lives these critical people?

I was just sipping  my coffee, holding the warm pleasant coffee cup that caressed my cold fingers and it's aroma tingled my olfactory nerves. My room is chaotic, I am painting my chairs but inside me there is a yearning to connect with you.

 I recalled that for a long time I thought my mother was a critical woman. She might have been but, she was other things too, many other great things actually. She was very friendly, sociable,feminine, motherly, humorous and exotic. A green-blue eyed, fair skin woman is exotic in Iran believe it or not!

I am thinking how important it is to observe our behavior but instead what do we do? We observe others. It is alright as long as we are aware that others are merely a mirror of ourselves.Ooops what did I say! Sorry but it is true specially when it bothers us.The truth of this fact is hard to digest but it has become a rule in my life and it is helping me.  Otherwise I wouldn’t share it.

Whenever I thought someone else was critical and I examined it with the above rule and I realized I was that myself, maybe not exactly where this other person was, but in other aspects of life I was wearing a critical hat.

When I thought someone was frustrated and it bothered me, I dugged a kind of frustration in myself. when I thought guys were clingers,  in regard to someone else I I myself proved to be a clinger.
All I am saying is give it a shot and see what will you harvest from this for yourself.

 You think the guy who left you was a selfish careless...! He was, I believe you. But, see if you have ever done that with a guy you didn’t really love. Oh you didn’t! That's right. Life is not over girlfriend, you will do it, if your focus is still on his fault. 

You think and call this other girl „names” because she destroyed your relationship? She may deserve all those names, that is not my point, but she does have other qualities you may miss if you don’t focus on that one pick.

Unfortunately unfortunately, when we make other people’s fault great, ours becomes greater. Or wait a minute! Isn’t that fortunate. So let me write it this way: 

Fortunately, and I mean very fortunately, when we make other people’s fault great, ours becomes greater and that is a monitor life has given us. It is a gift and a wake up call if sometimes I look at others as mirrors.

If you find this blog useful, if it brought a smile to your face and/or if it reminded you of someone you love, then be generous and share it.
+Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra / 100 Gypsy Violins
+pegah hajipour +Kira Simmons  +Nahal Tavangar  

Sunday, January 12, 2014

101 Reasons why you need to accept gifts fully

Do you like chocolate? Not so much? Oh! you love it! Okey because I do too, so much that I think chocolate loves me too, it is kind of mutual between us :)
I do not have 101 reason I tell you from now but I have one good reason.

I live in the centre of the city in an apartment that is big for @Japanese, very small for #Northern American and so so for #Middle Eastern Standard but in Europe we call it spacious because the ceiling is high so I find whole lot of air here to breath. Why did I mention that? Yes because in this spacious apartment I am not finding any chocolate and it is Sunday.

If you receive a beautiful #decorative box of #refine chocolate would you open it? Do you think  maybe you should keep it and give it as gift to someone else?If yes, why do you do that? Do you think someone else deserves to receive such a# beautiful/#delicious gift. Why not you? The person who gave it to you thought you deserved to have it (and of course eat it). Why is it you do not want to accept if fully?

After the war broke in south of Iran, when I was a child, we had to flee to a small village with wonderful people and lots of traditions some of which were really good. They had the habit of giving gift, actually a lot. They were so called givers very generous people, not so much of receivers. When they gave wedding or newborn gifts they always, in addition to the main gift, gave a box of bon bon, always always!

 It didn’t take me long to find out those bon bon boxes were going around for ages.Yes I opened few. We didn’t have the culture of expiratory dates in the Middle East so you had to eat the food and either from the consequences or, if you were lucky, from the first taste you would know something was very wrong.

We as human beings have both the giver and receiver side to us. Since we live together and we are social beings we need to allow others give as well and, for that we need to be in a receiver position at least sometimes. Some of us may think receiving makes us less! Or giving places us in a higher position. Think about it. How about if we see each other, always, in an equal relationship?

To start with that take big bites of air, take in life fully. If you breath deep and exhale long slowly your capacity to receive increases. I am not a tough trainer, I often tell my patients 5 deep breathing in the morning, 5 in the evening. Because I know once you taste oxygen, you will crave for it, it never gets outdated, has no after taste and it is life-giving. As you take the oxygen in fully, tell yourself :

 ” I take in life fully.”
 ” I am loved”.
” I am love”
+ChocolaTV +Princess Meredith +Todd Khozein +Negeen Sobhani +Behin Hajipour +Jamak Bashiri +Chocolate City +Csokoládé Akadémia Kft. +Shamim Rafat +Ruha Reyhani +Sjokoladesmaking +Sjokolade Salongen +Sjokolade Kaken +pegah hajipour  +Brigitte Aiff +Kira Simmons +SoulPancake +Oprah Winffrey +O Magazine SA