”Let what you love be what you do!” I went to a shop in Oslo
City to see this truth and re-think a matter. The shop is called Akazia, the
shop keeper a Turkish man and lots of interesting items if one is looking for
cute but meaningful gifts. I got there accidentally.
I googled the word Akazia and I found out it is a Republic of
Akazia in the East Pacific a massive,
cultured nation, renowned for its sprawling nuclear power plants! I mean why
would you call your sweet, cute, gift shop Akazia? And I was thinking woohoo my
Iranian subconscious dragged me to yet another nuclear power plant Republic.
To get back to ” let what you love be what you do”, my
question is how many people do what they love? How many people dare to think
about doing what they love? Do you?
I meet whole lot of people in or outside my praxis who don’t do what they love. Wouldn’t
that make us sick after a while if we have to wake up every single morning and
go to a job we didn’t love? I mean we may do that for a while, in a period of
our lives, but that to be ” The job” we do everyday?
How about if I change the sentence to „Let what you do be
what you love”! I am thinking if you have to do something and if you have not
make that the choice of your heart, it will always be a pressure on you. But if
you decide to make it your choice, then your free will is at work. Because no
matter what we do, it is always our choice, we just love to put the blame on
others, be it : 1) parents,2) society, 3)government, 4)neighbor, 5)spouse, 6) kids,7) God and you name it!
We can decide consciously to first accept our choices and
then love it because it is my choice. Being conscious and doing
what we anyway do, makes a whole difference in our life and life of others.
I just love it when I go to a supermarket and a cashier
connects with me although I am one in 10000 he/she has met and asked the same routine question. It is because some of the cashiers have accepted their own
choices and do their job with love and it is only few of them who loved to be a
So this sentence seems to be alright both ways, just like
the word mom or dad, no matter how you read it, left to right, right to left, it
is correct and it is full of love.
+Behin Hajipour +Mae B +Edit Kalman +Oslo City Guide +Akazial +Gift Shoppe +Todd Khozein+SoulPancake +Oprah Winffrey +O, The Oprah Magazine +Norway At Home
+Norges Kreative Fagskole +Norges Varemesse
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