Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And I, will be blue!

Have you seen how the winter trees target their branches into the sky?

How I wish to be the sky

Free from the offense of your arrows 

Be the tree, 

grow leaves, 

And I, will be blue!
by: PariTheMuse 
 +Behin Hajipour +pegah hajipour +Brigitte Aiff +Badi Yahyavi +Andreas Longva +NORWAY 

Writing to you because my heart is brimming with love

It is 31st of December of 2013 and I am writing because my heart is brimming with love. I have just come back from London and I had a wonderful time in the Persian art and literature conference. http://persianbahaiconference.com/  Apparently this was the 17th conference and my first one to attend. I wrote „ what a shame” and then deleted it :) because I think I have always been in the places I needed to to be and I think I was in the best place right in that conference this year.

 If you are a lover of Persian literature, Persian music, scholarly talks by some of the most renounced Persian speakers, a large respectful gathering where you would hear and learn about Iran and despite what is happening, you would be encouraged to forgive and be an active participants in the affairs related to building peace in Iran and the world, you would have loved this conference. Who knows we may meet there next year.
I am pretty sure my feelings and what I picked for myself were different from the older generation. I would have loved to have or participate in some kind of workshop on literature but this conference was about series of lectures and some times reports which were really really great. I felt like being in a fancy university on Persian literature. And we were served with Persian food....what else could I ask for?
My heart though brims with love when I remember the moments I spent with my friends. I am hoping they read this blog so I want to thank each and everyone with whom I could have a little private talk. Thank you for being so sensitive and caring towards me, caring enough to want to have a private breakfast or lunch or a corner talk with me. It all meant a world to me and I mean it from the depth of my heart. In one of the sessions when I asked to sit next to one of you and you said yes of course this seat was reserved for You....you may have joked but I absorbed it with much love. So thank you!

 Some of you I had only met once or twice before but only God knows how much I had always thought about you and had loved you, and to hear that the love had been mutual...my God how grateful I am to have you in my life and even more... to be able to love you so much.
The www.NoveenTV.org crew were there too. It blew my mind to know just a handful of dedicated people are doing such a great job.God bless them. It was good the cameras were not on us so I could be as naughty as I wanted to be.
Although the lectures were not political yet, when I heard the word justice or Iran I constantly thought about the prisoners. At one point I remembered two young nursing  mothers with their babies in prisons, both have been imprisoned because of their belief in the Baha’i faith. I thought to myself in a situation like this who gives hope to whom? Does the mother give hope to the baby or the baby to the mother? Do these babies smile in prisons? Or they cry all the time? I heard they were very sick at some points, would the prison officers care for them? Can anyone resist seeing a baby and not be soft and talk in a sweet language with her/him? How can a baby- that in our Islamic Persian culture we said they were purer than the Holy book Quran- be in a prison.
When I was a child I used to think prison was for criminals, no wonder I moved to Norway, in this country not only the nature and their houses are exactly like the ones I used to draw but prisons are for criminals.
Not to go too far, my friends I came home after the conference I thought I lit some candles I buy some flowers and I write few words of love to you. I wish you a peaceful 2014, may this year be a year of freedom for all who deserve it. May Iran become a land of purity, respect, prosperity and justice where babies are in cradle of love and their mothers and cellmates are busy caring for them building the future Iran. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Writing because you are inviting.

The lawn is inviting 
Your lips voicelessly calling
The Sun caressing my arms 
Persuading them to ring around your neck

I am standing,
the moon of my being contains!
I am from Venus you are on earth!
Your finger pointed to the universe 
Waiting for mine 

Universe revolves around the lawn
And comes to the Earth
when you seal my lips
I know you are there .
+Behin Hajipour 
+pegah hajipour 
+Todd Khozein 
+British Museum 
+Shadi Safajou 
+Poetry of Life 


Saturday, December 21, 2013

On the way again, this time with Pink!

I am listening to Beethoven symphony No.9,I know the music but I have no idea what the guy is singing on it, it is an opera a lady's voice chips in too. All I know is that his voice is penetrating ,it stirs up something, takes it somewhere and calms it again. It is as if it ascends me to another level. Music really is a ladder that ascends the soul to a higher realm.

I am before my trip and as usual I am very excited. Now that I live in the second floor and have no elevator I am wondering how am I going to carry my big pink suitcase. Well, I guess I will.
I do not specially celebrate Christmas but I have been living long enough in Europe to be affected by it’s excitement.

I celebrate Naw Ruz that is 21st of March. Well yes, that is when I celebrate my Christmas. There is hardly any conscious excitement in the general public around that time, however, the nature is going through tremendous changes and it is the first day of spring that I and, many others celebrate as Naw Ruz. My year and calendar begins then. Well now I sound as if I am an Alien, coming from another planet. But when we don’t know about other cultures they can seem as if they are from another dimension. The truth of life seems to be very colorful and multilateral.

As I am writing I read and hear myself and I kind of feel for people who may have prejudice towards other cultures. It is because we are not known to each other. It is only when we introduce ourselves and are open to hear about others that prejudice is eliminated. Introducing oneself and being open to get to know others is a big part of what we call „love” in this world.

Love is a very vast word in my opinion. We do manifest it in the virtual world with a little red or pink heart but the danger is we may think the feeling we get over a chat manifested by a little heart is love! It is! I don't mean to undermine that. but it is only a small fraction of it. if you ask me, I also believe that the energy that holds the atoms together is also love and I am going to believe that until otherwise is proved. Don’t you think we have limited the meaning of love to a mere attraction between two people? 

I do not want to go too far with this but haven’t we given a sexual meaning to love too.
They may all be a fraction of love but what is love?What is that feeling of being in love? Is love the attraction we feel or does it include the commitment to it too?
I will think about it on the way, Of course after I will be over with lifting and carrying the pink!
Let me know what is on your mind I am curious.

+Pink Floyd 
+New Year Celebration 
+Anul Nou, Naw Ruz 170 
+Suitcase Stories 
+Love Quotes 
+Behin Hajipour 
+Todd Khozein  

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Writing to heal myself !

Did you know anger "burns" the liver? Did you know when liver is "burned" whole lot of functions that it has, gets disturbed?
High level of cholesterol can be because of anger that we carry. I am not saying anger is the only reason, but one of the most important emotional reason for this and many other disturbances in the body is accumulation of anger. There are many people who eat very healthy and do everything "right" yet their cholesterol is high.
Anger is an emotion that we accumulate in us. Things happen in life that makes us angry and it is ok, I mean this is all a apart of life. It is even ok if we want to express it. Actually the only way to get rid of it, is to express it otherwise it goes somewhere in the body-mostly to the liver and gall bladder.
 Now where do we express it?
 Many of us do that in front of the people we love the most because that is where we feel safe and secure. But no one deserves to be angry at and no one deserves to see our anger. It is bitter, it is harsh, it is negative! If we can't bear it in us no one else can neither. At the same time, it needs to be expressed, we have to find a way to express it.

Some psychologist suggest screaming and kicking and punching or even breaking stuff. If you live in a place where no one can hear you then help yourself! Most of us live with others, we have neighbors and rarely can go to a place where we are totally alone.

One good practice would be to sit down, close your eyes and imagine yourself as angry as you can be, you can scream, shout, kick and punch as much as you want, until you can not do that anymore. All that within yourself and not out loud. Try it! You will be surprised how exhausted you will be after a practice like that as if you have really shouted.
The thing is that our mind and body believes it. But most importantly you have heard yourself. And that is satisfying.
One of the most important human needs is to be heard. The other one is to be seen. When we are in love we feel seen and if we are lucky we feel heard too. Now, what about if there is no one around who loves you / me ? Are you going to be frustrated? Angry?

My humble suggestion is to see and hear ourselves. By seeing oneself I mean really seeing oneself, just the way you wish someone else would see You. Many of us women enjoy an early morning compliment "you are beautiful!" Now how about if tomorrow morning when you wake up you say that to yourself in the mirror? Try it, not only for one day, but for 30 days. you will see what will happen.
 If I don't see myself, I will always be in need of someone else seeing me. It is really nice when others see us, but it should be like a cream on the top of the cake not the cake itself! I am the cake, you are the cake :) ooooh I like that:)

To be heard is another need. You know how wonderful it is when we feel someone is actually listening to us? In a favorable situation it can be a good girlfriend and in a less favorable and more costly situation it can be the shrink. In both cases we have experienced how wonderful it is when we are heard. We need to learn to listen to ourselves. We constantly have a dialogue with ourselves. But what is that voice saying? Is that voice kind? Encouraging?Is she critical?
 I will write about that in the next blog I am sleepy right now. My inner voice is almost yawning and the bed, is inviting!

The only thing I remember from what I have written is that " I am the cake" and I love brownie!
+Behin Hajipour

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Injustice is created by people, therefore it is people who can stop injustice!

The Christmas ambiente is giving extra warmth to the city of Oslo. Today I was walking in the city and I saw a group of youth holding a banner which said " Changemaker". They were singing in the cold. What was it they were trying to sell I thought?I went back took a picture and continued my walk. It was too cold to inquire I thought I google them. I did and they are desparate to make changes. On their website (to which I said a prayer and blessed google translate) they say:
"Changemaker is the largest youth organization that is solely dedicated to development policies. We are young people between 13 and 30 who want to remove the fundamental causes of poverty and injustice in the world. Changemaker influence decision makers to make the world more just. Injustice is created by people; therefore it is also people who can stop injustice. Politicians, power institutions, businesses and individuals have the ability to change the world, and we try to influence them to do so. "
 When I read that I said a prayer for all the youth who are members of this club and I thought Wow! Can you imagine they may have a 13 year old members who believes in removal of fundamental cause of poverty and injustice not only in Norway but in the world? I guess they have removed the cause of poverty in Norway and now come the world :) I am only partly joking. These youth seem not to be kidding; they are solely dedicated to development policies. But the most youthful and pure sentence was:
"Injustice is created by people; therefore it is also people who can stop injustice." I had to literally put my palm on my chest and say Oh! This is so innocent, so pure and true.
I remembered myself when I was 13 year old. I used to live in Iran then. The country was in war with Iraq. We had left our home and moved to a village. Poverty and injustice were the air we were breathing. Decision makers had made their decision to fight like two little boys and the rest of us had to pay with suffering. In the school as odd as it might sound we were given the choice to learn how to use guns and that was an extracurricular activity.
Junior youth are like sponge, they want to learn and absorb. They are neither kid nor do they belong to the grown up world. It is a very interesting period. I clearly remember I wanted to learn but more than that I wanted to belong. If they offered gun class, well, why not, I took it. It was exciting. Guns were for adults and it did make me feel I am considered someone. In what way did that help my personal development? In no way. Did that make me a better decision maker? Did I or any of us in that class learn to deal with poverty and injustice?
 If someone had taught me that justice is in the heart, and it means to see with your own eyes and not the eyes of others then I would know immediately my heart loved life and respected the life of others. I would have then learned a music instrument.
If someone would have taught me that in order to remove poverty we should believe in Oneness of humanity, and that the earth is One country and we are it’s citizens, if someone would have taught me that the oil and all the other minerals in the womb of the mother Earth belong to all of us and if....and if....!
Maybe if I become a more virtuous person the world will become more just and prosperous.
My hope is that the ChangeMaker includes a virtues project in their endeavors specially with it’s very young members. At the end as they say so beautifully individuals are the ones who can change the world. Even the politician are individuals and we all need to learn about the virtue of justice in order not to follow just anybody.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Left and Right brain, Adam and Eva!

”Women are not to be understood but to be loved”! This sentence caught my attention today. It was on a board in a shop, actually for sale. I would have bought it immediately if it was " Men are not to be understood but to be accepted." I don't know about you my friend but for years I have been trying to understand men. I am still trying with not much of success. I can't even say I have understood them a little bit...nottthing! And I mean it. All I know is I love them because they are so different and I do feel they are a part of us meaning that we have both the feminine and the masculine side to us. The physical proof of it are hormones and not to forget the right and left brain. The right and left brain fascinates me. Not that the hormones don't but I will reflect and write about that  some other time.

 When scientists say the left brain uses logic, forms strategies, is detailed oriented and knows object's names and the right brain uses feelings, present possibilities and knows objects' function, which one is the male and which one is the female side of the brain?
When they say the left brain uses logic it means it is reality based, it uses words and languages. When they say it forms strategies it means it is practical. When they say it knows objects' names it kind of says it knows maths and science and of course it is detailed oriented.

On the other hand the right brain uses feelings, it is fantasy oriented, it is about symbols and images.When they say the right brain  is about possibilities it means imagination rules and it is all about taking risk.When they say it knows object's function it means it is big picture oriented. Also that philosophy and religion are the topic of the right brain. Oh my it is the land of shalalala!

In whatever way I think about it, whatever we do is the combination of both and, a bunch of other thing, education, culture, upbringing and mostly the spirit. But lets say our right brain is our feminine side and the left is the masculine. Also that the very first feminine image all of us saw and genetically inherited and were carrying in our cells were our mother. Does that mean she is sitting right there in our right brain? Sort of.

Now we do have an image of the first feminine being right in front of us and our brain has all the potential to develop the best out of it’s right side. Yes what were they? It is about feelings, fantasy, symbols, images, imaginations, taking risk, knowing the function of objects, big picture, philosophy and religions… All these are the capacities and they don’t fit in the very image of the woman from whom you and I were suppose to learn it from. No wonder there exists the universal conflict of the mothers and daughters. It begins the moment we are born. Why? I tell you what I think which may not be so bad.

As an embryo our brain was not developed fully but, even then, we felt! Whatever was around us we perceived it as protection, love, nurturing, the All encompassing, and we were floating in some Luke warm fluid, nurtured and, fed before we even asked for it. We didn’t need to use our organs and limbs,we were in Heaven! And the one who was holding us, carrying us, and actually was always there in that little universe of us, we thought was Perfect, The most Loving, The Most Generous, The All knowing, The All wise. The moment we are born, we see the Perfect and when our skin touches hers we secrete some kind of glue hormone, and the bonding is made.

Then we grow up and as we do we realize grown up people have another God! Mother is not God at all. On the contrary, she actually is in her own feelings and fantasy world,  and you know what ? She doesn’t know it all at all! Then comes the disappointment and we keep going back and forth to the world of womb and we want that security and warmth, when someone else decided for us, fed us, loved us and protected us. We keep forgetting we have one of those universes in us, it used to be known as womb. But most of all we forget that potentially women are mother/God in the world of being.

Today I am grateful for being a grown up woman. I am connected to the universe which is folded into me. I am the universe. My God! Women are to be loved. I should go back to that shop and buy that board!


+Shadi Safajou
+Brigitte Aiff
+Apple iPhone and iPad Apps, News and Updates
+BBC News
+Science on Google+
+Behin Hajipour
+Behin Hajipour
+The Blow Bar
+Women's Health magazine
+Cosmopolitan Magazine
+Oprah Winffrey
+Todd Khozein
+pegah hajipour
+Nandita Dhindsa
+anne george 

My eyes caught by the diamonds she was wearing

Covered yet naked,she falls everywhere in pieces, sometimes dry, other times wet, some days she comes and clings, some days she just leaves. She looks serene and firm but with every touch, she gets disturbed, life has left footprints all over her, she is in pain bearing it with care.

I had met her once, years ago, when in the arms of the old man, in that village
I met my grandpa. His love felt unconditional, so immense, like God’s. He showed her to me through the window
„look” my dear she is here just for you. It is spring! her time to melt from love and flow,yet she had come to march in her white dress.
My eyes saw the magic through that old window. Cotton pieces or feathers?
Falling from the heaven she was arriving, she sat and her skirt fell all over the place, Before she came, the villagers knew she was there!

Warm on our side of the window, to the tempting look of grandpa which carried the sound of permission
I went out to touch her, a handshake, a kiss, a hug, cold on other side of the window, I tenderly touched her.
She looked gentle and tender but cold, she was cold!
Regret from the touch, unexpected, disappointed,my hands frozen I stepped back. I saw the hole and walked back
I had disturbed the perfect surface of the snow. I walked back and my footprints all over her dress,Oh what had I done? In One step in the warm side of the window , only my footprints on her skirt!
Oh what had I done?

To grandpa’s love I said: Oh I destroyed her. „Everybody steps on the snow”,he said,„it is water, only frozen”.
 My eyes caught by the diamonds she was wearing, I was humbled, she was rich, beautiful,majestic
yet chose to bear the footsteps of Loved ones.

Norway 2012-02-05
Pari The Muse