Saturday, October 31, 2015

What if you were here?

And what if you were here in the next room laying down in bed daydreaming?
what if you were taking a shower?
what if you were sitting here on the other end of the sofa occupied with your cell phone browsing, “like”ing, commenting,poking, chatting perhaps with an interesting quiet, or a lonely one like yourself and I… and all that, in absolute silence…?

I sit here and imagine you are here in the next room laying down in bed daydreaming.
I imagine you are in the shower and you, are not singing, because you never did.
I imagine you are sitting on the other end of the sofa occupied with your cell phone, browsing, “like”ing, commenting, poking, chatting with an interesting someone…all in absolute silence.

I close my eyes, hear Chopin playing and feel whatever is…and I am thinking I am alone but not lonely.

Painting of Mohammad Mohammadzadeh #Kerman #Iran