High level of cholesterol can be because of anger that we carry. I am not saying anger is the only reason, but one of the most important emotional reason for this and many other disturbances in the body is accumulation of anger. There are many people who eat very healthy and do everything "right" yet their cholesterol is high.
Anger is an emotion that we accumulate in us. Things happen in life that makes us angry and it is ok, I mean this is all a apart of life. It is even ok if we want to express it. Actually the only way to get rid of it, is to express it otherwise it goes somewhere in the body-mostly to the liver and gall bladder.
Now where do we express it?
Many of us do that in front of the people we love the most because that is where we feel safe and secure. But no one deserves to be angry at and no one deserves to see our anger. It is bitter, it is harsh, it is negative! If we can't bear it in us no one else can neither. At the same time, it needs to be expressed, we have to find a way to express it.
Some psychologist suggest screaming and kicking and punching or even breaking stuff. If you live in a place where no one can hear you then help yourself! Most of us live with others, we have neighbors and rarely can go to a place where we are totally alone.
One good practice would be to sit down, close your eyes and imagine yourself as angry as you can be, you can scream, shout, kick and punch as much as you want, until you can not do that anymore. All that within yourself and not out loud. Try it! You will be surprised how exhausted you will be after a practice like that as if you have really shouted.
The thing is that our mind and body believes it. But most importantly you have heard yourself. And that is satisfying.
One of the most important human needs is to be heard. The other one is to be seen. When we are in love we feel seen and if we are lucky we feel heard too. Now, what about if there is no one around who loves you / me ? Are you going to be frustrated? Angry?
My humble suggestion is to see and hear ourselves. By seeing oneself I mean really seeing oneself, just the way you wish someone else would see You. Many of us women enjoy an early morning compliment "you are beautiful!" Now how about if tomorrow morning when you wake up you say that to yourself in the mirror? Try it, not only for one day, but for 30 days. you will see what will happen.
If I don't see myself, I will always be in need of someone else seeing me. It is really nice when others see us, but it should be like a cream on the top of the cake not the cake itself! I am the cake, you are the cake :) ooooh I like that:)
To be heard is another need. You know how wonderful it is when we feel someone is actually listening to us? In a favorable situation it can be a good girlfriend and in a less favorable and more costly situation it can be the shrink. In both cases we have experienced how wonderful it is when we are heard. We need to learn to listen to ourselves. We constantly have a dialogue with ourselves. But what is that voice saying? Is that voice kind? Encouraging?Is she critical?
I will write about that in the next blog I am sleepy right now. My inner voice is almost yawning and the bed, is inviting!
The only thing I remember from what I have written is that " I am the cake" and I love brownie!
+Behin Hajipour
+Kira Simmons +Women of Google+ +Women's Health magazine +Nasime Moghbelpour +Middle Eastern Culture & Dance Association +Women for Middle East HOPE +Ladies' Home Journal +Todd Khozein
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