What if we had almond trees planted on the side of the streets? I am not suggesting cherries nor apples because I have a reason. But really what if? Wouldn't this type of plantation eradicate hunger from the face of the earth?
Few years ago I saw a palm tree planted in a square in Budapest, of course it needed special care and it was beautiful.... Nostalgic for me coming from south of Iran if you want :) I will have to see next time I travel to Budapest if it is still there, they had to cloth it in winter and you should know some homeless people die in Budapest in the cold season because of cold.
Few years ago I saw a palm tree planted in a square in Budapest, of course it needed special care and it was beautiful.... Nostalgic for me coming from south of Iran if you want :) I will have to see next time I travel to Budapest if it is still there, they had to cloth it in winter and you should know some homeless people die in Budapest in the cold season because of cold.
Then you see in Dubai they have trees that definitely don't grow in deserts :) but they do in Dubai. Yes you want to say they have the money to spend on that? Yes I am with you, they do. Where is that money coming from by the way? Oil? Oil that they found in the Earth/sea? Wouldn't that belong to all the people of the earth? Who decided that the woods in Brazil belong to Brazilians only?
What if the science, the atomic energy would be used for saving lives in Africa, maybe to plant an almond trees on their pavement? Do we need the atomic energy for bombs, and knowledge of the human DNA for cloning?Do we really need a Palm tree in Budapest and a Pine tree in Dubai? Do we?
What if we didn't need to see the picture of starving children in Africa not only because it makes us feel so sad, helpless and angry but because they belong, they deserve, and the earth and all its resources are theirs too. Aren't we tired of this much ugliness in the world? War, abuse, famine, poverty, prejudice, addictions, injustice,....?
Right now no matter how much I am trying to turn my thoughts and get ready to go to world Woman programs in Oslo I am thinking about what if the intelligent nerds would find a way to plant almond trees in Africa so as those kids would taste almonds, would see the beauty of its blooms, would play under its shadow and when they would fall in love they would hear a bird chirping on its branches....?!!
World Women
+Behin Hajipour +Todd Khozein +NRK MP3 +Aftenposten +Faminal Group +UNICEF +Tara Hajipour