Monday, September 28, 2015
Journey of life
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Do you have a list of good and bad people?
Saturday, September 19, 2015
If you had the magic stick what would you do?
If you had the Magic stick what would you do?
What if life is really a domino effect and you or I are the one move? What if our little act is „it”?
Not long ago when I was a child I was watching a black and white movie on TV, it must have been early 70s, a man was watching one of those old televisions and all of a sudden someone from the movie started talking to him and despite his unbelief he responded and literally stepped into the television and eneded up in the program. It all happend in few minutes just like a miracle. I never forget how astonished I was with all that.
Today this is an ordinary thing when we think about interactive TV shows or popular morning shows on private TV channels.
What I want to say is that someone dared to think and create that old movie I saw, he/she did or didn't have the vision but dared to dream and be creative. Now what is it I and you want to create?
I had a patient yesterday in my office who was a mother of a young girl, she had herself stopped taking contraceptive pills because she was told they were not good, but she asked what would I suggest for her daughter who would soon be 16 year old.
I recalled what I had studied in medical school that 90% of hepatoma (benign tumors of liver) occure amongst women who take contraceptives. Also how the artificial hormones are affecting the normal flora in the intestines and consequently increasing the growth of fungus in the body... and I also recalled I had taken contraceptives myself for a short while after I had been married... she agreed with the science but asked what is the alternative? And I said education, abstinence! Tell your daughter sex is for grown ups.Instead we can educate them about the importance of simple and basic things in life, like softness of a touch, taste of an apple, reflection in life, identifying quaities in oneself and others and maybe connecting with people, with men, at different levels.... well I managed to make the lady cry, and she said she was touched I didn't ask which part of what I had said because I thought I was being logical : )
After she left I didn’t have time to reflect but later in the evening I did. I live in a country where people are very honest, this allows me to be myself, I am Iranian, everytime I was honest I end up being interrogated with the revolutionary guards. Here I can be creative in my profession I can practice the theory that education and creating enthusiasm for health is a part of medical profession.
Women can take contraceptives, so did I in a committed realtionship, however we should have the knowledge and make a choice and not to take it so easy. Whenever I ask young ladies in my practice whether they are on any medication they say no, and when I ask how about anti-baby pills? They say oh yes that I take! If that is not a chemical medication I wonder what is?
Now getting back to my original thought and question that brought me here:
"if you had the magic stick what would you do?"
I want to say I would end all the wars, but what if the wars start again because of lack of knowledge and understanding? What if it all starts again because of love for fake power?And I only had one magic move!!!
What would you do if you had the magic stick?