Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Do you greet yourself?

 I woke up and read my messages, answered some, made appointments, canceled appointments, participated in discussions on social media,read something,” like-ed” something, even shared some stuf, and all that while I was still in bed, early morning, as early as  still dark in Oslo.

 My bed is comfortable, white and so welcoming. My feeling was „stay a little longer”. I then thought about my work and felt energized and jump out of bed. I looked at my hair in the mirror. Every morning I do that, checking whether I look like a lion or is it ok : ) then I look into the depth of my own eyes and say to myself „good morning little Pari”.

Some mornings I forget to greet myself, maybe those are the mornings my body is confused and unrested, maybe my thoughts are disturbed because my heart had been expectant the night before. Maybe I forgot I exist beyond this body.

Today the bulb broke in my bathroom, I looked at it and smiled, it is so high and I can’t change that, and the ladder I have is a little one. A tall friend will come handy. I brought a bedside lamp in the bathroom the light of which has made the bathroom very romantic. In this dim light one looks different I heard myself saying ”how ’ you doin?” as Joey used to say in „Friends” :)

I like the proper light because it shows all the realities and when you greet yourself or other people, you know who you are greeting. When winter comes and Norway gets really dark....people hide in their hoods, I do too. We hardly see the realities, we lit candles in our homes and that dim light is beautiful,everyone seems different in that beautifully different.

Those mornings I remember to greet myself, when I look into the depth of my eyes and I almost see my own soul, I greet people differently. It is as if when I connect to my own soul, I can connect to theirs too. And the days I don’t look into my own soul, I look for shortcuts and back doors! Everything becomes invisible when I am invisible to myself. Then I start labeling myself, I am angry, I am shy, I am irritated, I am a woman PMS-ing, I am a man in my cave, I have pain, someone has died, someone has left me...whereas the truth is...I forgot to look into my own eyes this morning and greet my own soul... I left me...I forgot me, and that „me” is in pain, still alive,beyond the body, still connected to the source of all love and powers of the universe, waiting for the little Pari, little you, to connect to it.

Have you looked at your own eyes in the mirror and said ”Good morning” to your soul?

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