Monday, December 1, 2014

Writing out of pure love about Openness

Are you an open person? Do you share your thoughts and feelings freely? And when you do, do you expect a certain response?Or Is it ”because I told you I love you and I throw myself at you, you should give me a mutual response” kind of openness? 

With openness did you mean to connect or rather control? When you were open at your work place and expressed yourself did you expect an immediate, radical change or you meant to connect yourself to them?

Do you think openness is for connecting and then may be something will transmit, or openness means you will have control from now on?

Openness  is being honest, clear and sincere, showing who we are and what we feel without pretense.
When you are open you are being yourself and there is no need for regret.

The feeling of throwing yourself in front of someone,  emotionally being naked, could be terrible ,specially if you don’t get the mutual response.But hey! You did what you believed was right and people have the right to respond the way they want.

 We have a long way to figure out what love really is. Love has no reason, when you can say to someone I love you and I care for you but I don’t know why, that is real love. Once you have a reason, then it is your thoughts talking and when that reason is not there anymore, you will start imagining love.

 Openness is about connecting not controlling. We reveal our thoughts without having the intention to manage the response of others. In another words when we are open, we are receptive to the surprises of life, whatever it may be : )

It is the same when you are open and ask for help, either you will get it or not! Being open and asking for help is a stretch you make, stretch is good for you : ) If not for the body it is good for your soul in this case.

With real openness you care about the views and feelings of others. Do you?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Writing out of love about responsiblity.

Do you think you are a responsible person? Can others depend on you to do what you say you will do? Or you are one of those who rather not say anything and not do much? Does responsibility mean we take on what is ours to do with commitment and reliability? Or does it mean taking on another's spiritual  work?
If you take on another's spiritual work wouldn't that deprive you both?

What do you do when you make mistakes? Do you have the courage to change for the better? Or do you analyze it over and over and at the end he/she is the one whom you blame? :)

 I read on my Virtues card  I picked today that responsibility is when we have the ability to respond ably.

Sometimes there are offers that come to us and we say "no" to them because we really know we can't do it and by that I mean we have done the same thing many times and haven't been able neither to produce a good job nor enjoyed the process. That's ok to say no. But, when there is a new journey life is offering it is good to say "yes" and see if I can enjoy the way I am dealing with it and, who knows, the end product might be more than expected :)

In another word, accept the responsibility to what I have said yes, do my best and have faith! Or is there something I am missing here? I probably am missing whole lot of things...LOL!

I love this below quote by Ron Baron and it has come to me several times.When this happens I know it can be either a confirmation or something I need to work on, it goes like this:

"My life is an influence on every life mine touches. Whether I realize it or not, I am responsible and accountable for that influence."

 It seems to me there is not much we can do in this world without influencing each other. Even an act as innocent as brushing my teeth, if the water is left flowing, wastes 16- lit of water!

 Now, in Norway, we believe, we have water and we can let it flow for no reason, in Israel or in Africa you have to be careful with water usage. Can I, in Norway, be careless about that just because in my part of the Earth there is lots of water and in the other part there is little?
What if my loved ones , my family members live in there? Would my feeling of responsibility grow?

To be honest, I don't know what I should do in Norway. And I am with you, if in your part of the world you don't know how you should deal with usage of water or anything else.

It seems to me that we need certain universal policies and principle, policies we all agree, for the sake of humanity, for the sake of love. Because as a responsible person we are accountable for what we do and we can give excellence to all that we do, we just don`t always know to what we should give excellence : )
 Meanwhile I remember to focus on my own part, not someone else's.

 You figure out for yourself what you want to do because I brush my teeth for 3 minutes and that is 16 liter of water if left flowing :)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Art and becoming one with what is!

What kind of artistic performances do you prefer? Paintings, theater, music, dance, singing, poetry or sculpture? Do you like classical art or the modern ones?

 There is so much this world offers when it comes to art and whatever awakens the sense of beauty, awe, harmony, grace and meaningfulness in you and calls your attention towards the creativity of the person who did it, can be considered art. That is my opinion and the rest I believe it is the matter of taste.

 Have you ever watched a dance where you have felt that the dancer is in complete harmony with the universe?I have, many times, felt humbled watching a play but at the dance of Moshkin Ghalam the Iranian choreographer and modern dancer I didn't want to blink. I had watched some of his interviews and heard him say since he was a child the dance has been with him, as if the dance found him :)
I want to believe that but a part of me wants to give credit to his zeal and hard work. He must have practiced a lot to be who he is today.

Some people are talented & genius and I could imagine Moshkin Ghalam is one of them. Watching him dance you will find the story he is trying to tell, it resonates with what you have in your heart and mind, what you may have experienced in your homeland or learned from history. He is trying to bring Iranian literature and art closer to those of us who, may have, lost interest in our own language and art. The way he speaks Persian blows my mind and I told him I was intimidated to even open my mouth and speak in his presence.

 Outside the stage his open spirit and humor makes anyone feel comfortable around him, unless one suffers from "laughter intolerance" you know a disease where the enzyme "laghterase" is missing and often these people suffer from extreme constipation and tightness in the muscle of the lips! :)

I have been to artistic performances or art galleries where I have not really enjoyed what I have seen, I have however given those arts a second chance and still haven't regret, but definitely have promised myself that I will not take myself to a third one.

With Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam I wish everyone could see him perform, mostly because he really really seems to enjoy himself on the stage, he becomes one with whatever is and I have a feeling he may worry the moment he ends and I tell you he has no reason whatsoever. If there was a place I experienced the complete harmony between feminine and masculine energy, it was his dance.

I generally enjoy laughing with people and I am at awe with good artists, With Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam I found a person with whom I could laugh and be at awe. That's what we call light upon light "Nur ala Nur"!

"Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work body and soul."
@Charles Buxton

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Prayer is for desperate people!?

There is a square in the centre of Oslo, right in front of the Dom kirke, one of the main churches in the city that has 3-4 florist. The place looks like a garden and it is refreshing to walk in between the pots and plants that are set outside. I browse there on Saturdays, sometimes Sundays and always buy something beside a bunch of roses.

One thing I learned about myself is, in different periods of my life,  even when I don’t have much money, I always give priority to have fresh cut flowers in my home. They are the sign of love, beauty, respect, worth and generosity towards myself.

Today my roses are looking at me laughing out loud and the flame of the candles look quite astonished. Some days ago they saw me shedding tears out of a deep pain. 

When I felt pain deep in my heart, I sat down and prayed.

 Praying is what some  people do when they are helpless, when they feel there is really nothing  else on this earthly plane they can do to remedy the situation. So they fervently beg an entity they don’t even know. These people who pray and, sometimes cry while praying, don’t necessarily feel better after their prayer, they may actually go to bed and sleep to allow the pain to go away from the entrance it entered at first. These type of people are too clever to leave the door open but they leave the window slightly open before they sleep. Some of these people may live in Oslo you know! It is cold.

 The next day when they wake up, all they remember is that there is nothing else they can do, but they are definitely not hanged over! They are alert and they still remember their pain. While washing their face if they remember to look in the mirror they may remember their dream! Oh yea I dreamed last night.

And then they remember what Abdu’l-Baha wrote to August Forel the neuroscientist of Switzerland about dreams.

 ” The mind is circumscribed, the soul limitless. It is by the aid of such senses as those of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, that the mind comprehendeth, whereas the soul is free from all agencies. The soul as thou observest, whether it be in sleep or waking, is in motion and ever active. Possibly it may, whilst in a dream, unravel an intricate problem,incapable of solution in the waking state.”

The dream is for the dreamer. I want to believe that when I meet someone in my dream, I have really met him/her. The soul doesn’t need a ticket to fly to another continent : )

It might be that when we step into life in the morning we need to make sure we are open and remind ourselves that we have accepted the situation, regardless of what it is. It seems that it is only then that we start seeing the generosity of the universe and what it offers. 
And it is then that we may experience a surprising joy in our chest, something we have never experienced before and then we may laugh out loud in our own company, so authentically, that even the roses and candles will be astonished.

Prayer, sometimes, is conversation with the beloved, some other times out of urgency and helplessness.The nature of Prayer is that it is always heard, always!

 If it wasn’t for the pain, we wouldn’t be able to identify the joy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Experiencing love-National Air and Space museum-in DC

Washington’s Smithsonian National air and space museum made an impression on me. I close my eyes and remember the 3D film I watched there. It was fascinating. You are seated on comfortable chairs almost laying down and the whole ceiling is the screen. As the film began I felt like I was floating in the space, it was as if I was going up with the same speed the universe was coming to me and we didn’t clash, we passed by each other.

Some heavy load came off my chest, a chakra opened up and I was at awe to the vastness of the universe, tears shed from my eyes and love filled me up and I thought about all the people I have loved once.  I thought about how large and endless this world is and how small I am, yet how endless my heart is when it comes to love.

The truth is what we see of the universe from here is the past and It resonated with the sorrow of the past in my heart, the past that was 2 days or maybe 20 years ago.

My trip to US was a very fruitful one. I met some wonderful people at conference of Functional medicine, doctors who were looking for more solutions to help their patients. I made some friends.

 I had decided that my trip was going to be an adventure and i would be an observer with no expectation.

The observer looks at everything without judgement and learns. I wasn’t passive in this trip, I participated, made connections with souls.

Learning is when we face a similar experience and we make a tiny change to the situation.
Learning is viewed when I compare ”I” with ”me”, I of today and me of 3 months  or 3 year ago. 

Today I know if I take things one at a time I can manage a lot.

 If I keep my two year plan in mind yet take my life day by day I will get to what I want. Because I felt in the museum of Air and Space that as the universe is coming towards me, I am also going towards the universe. Everything is in motion in this world, and in order for things to happen the way it is willed to happend ”I” need to make a move too and of course trust.

I need to learn that when I go towards something, that thing also comes towards me. Does that make any sense? It does to me : ) The free will that has been endowed upon us has made us special creatures in this world of being. We make the real changes in the world, and it is all about our will, but things happen when our will is aligned with the will of the universe, of love, of God!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mark Zuckerberg thank you!

In +Washington DC in a hotel room alone, have had a good night sleep, after my flight connection that passed through Reykjavik-Iceland at dawn, and I am thinking about Mark Zuckerberg. Well...don't get me wrong I don't go for married men, I have way much respect for women to cross the line.
It is  just that since yesterday that I have been on the road I have received many many loving message and pictures on my facebook. 

So I thought about the guy who created it all...I know I know I watched the movie "social network", and I see his name in facebook comments when people are angry about new changes on facebook :)but but...

Today is my birthday I am waiting for my next flight, I am about to go down in the hotel restaurant and have my breakfast  amongst people I don't know and I am hesitant! Am I a loner? Don't know :)

 But for one thing, all the lovely message that have come and are still showering me with love from all around the world on facebook are making me happier. So Mark Zuckerberg good job!!! What a contribution to the world of humanity.

 Now I want to have a birthday wish/es !
1.I want healing for all the people who come for consultation to me!
2. I want to be able to make a contribution to the world of humanity in my own capacity and on the way, to have a companion with whom I love....wait a minute angel with the stick in your hand.... and ...and he would return my love!
well I am open and communicative, I am caring and I am able to adore. I want these 3 qualities in him! now you can move the stick angel!

I hear wish is granted!
Thank you!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Wrting out of love about "establishing ties"

 The virtual world and the ties in it are not that different from the real world, or most probably I am wrong. You read me and decide for yourself. I must be missing something here, either I don't belong to the virtual world or I belong and I just take it too seriously :)

The Little Prince in his journey meets a fox. He wants to play with the fox but the fox says: I am not tamed. The little prince doesn't know what” tame” means.

Fox: " It is an act often neglected, it means to establish ties."

The Little Prince: "To establish ties?"

Fox: „just that”, „ to me you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me...but if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world...”

Fox: Please tame me!

The Little Prince:  I want to very much but I have not much time. I have friends to discover, and a great many things to understand.”

Fox: „one only understands the things that one tames, men have no more time to understand  anything.....”
The Little Prince asked the fox what must I do to tame you? 

Fox: „You must be very patient, first you will sit down at a little distance from me....I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings. but you will sit a little closer to me, would have been better to come back at the same hour every day.”

The Little Prince tamed the fox, and when the hour of his departure drew near „Ah” said the fox „ I shall cry”.

It is your fault said the little Prince.” I never wished you any sort of harm but you wanted me to tame you...”

„ Yes, that is so,” said the fox.

And the fox cried.

Did you ask to be tamed? Or did someone try hard to tame you? Did you cry when he/she left? What if you hadn’t asked to be tamed and you were tamed. And you are lonely and you are crying like the little fox?

Hmmm...!!! Go wash your face! You have mistaken yourself for a fox, you are The Little Prince/ss, this life seems to be about establishing ties and responsibilities. Make sure you don’t make anyone cry <3 and remember the responsibilities :)
I think we all belong to this virtual world, we have created it. As to me I feel I should, in general, take it easier :)