Saturday, April 5, 2014

#100HappyDays Project !!!!!!!!!!

Have you heard about "100 happy days" project? You are suppose to post something you are grateful for on any social network. It could be a picture, a quote, anything.

The day I heard about this project I decided to post something on facebook for 100 days because apparently it is so effective you will become a better or a more grateful person. Not that I haven't been posting stuff like that, but I thought I join a collective project, because it is cool and I want to believe I am cool :) So when I post something that has made me happy, I write #100HappyDays :)

The odd thing is on the same day I began expressing my gratitude in this way, I received an e-mail from a person I dearly dearly love that he has cancer, a malignant type with metastasis and all!

 You may know that my specialty is in oncology and you may as well know I do not believe that people die of cancer or anything else. Cancer is a call with a high pitched ring! That's all. A clever shift in mind, life style and diet may change the whole situation and that is possible if the person is willing and doesn't suffice to the conventional science.

Life is a gift. When it is jeopardized we have to do "everything" to save it. Everything else should be secondary.
 Death is justice. It comes to everyone regardless of their color, wealth, position, degree, gender...etc.
I must admit I am having a hard time finding something I am grateful for today! Maybe I can be grateful for love!

 I am grateful for being able to love someone so strongly. It really is a blessing.
+Behin Hajipour +Oprah Winffrey +Joyus +Doris Duan-Young Official Page +Nicholas Skytland +NASA's Earth Observatory +NASA +Devon Gundr+soulPancake
+Todd Khozein +Mae B +Kira Simmons +Brigitte Aiff +Dorna Misaghian +NRK beta +100happydays Les 100 jours heureux de Marie Coach #PariTheMuse 

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