When you close your eyes do you see darkness? What if I tell you, you can close your eyes and, see light? I know!!!! You would say it is impossible. I am the Muse, I can do that....! LOL!!! believe me You!
Today I read a beautiful quote by May Sarton which said:
"Help us to be always the hopeful gardeners of the spirit who know that without darkness nothing comes to birth as without light nothing flowers."
When we go through difficulties and darkness, we never know if there will be light at the end of it, but the whole philosophy of being "present" and staying in the moment is what this is about. It may mean to stay there and look at the darkness without any judgment. It sounds impossible but it seems that is the only way not to get frustrated.
The truth is there has never been a night that didn't end with a morning, why should the darkness we are in continue with darkness.
+Todd Khozein +Behin Hajipour +Hatef Mokhtar +Joyus +NRK beta +Oprah Winffrey +Sou+lPancake +NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory
+May Sarton +pegah haji pour +Devon Gundry +SoulPancake +Kira Simmons +Taraneh Afnan-Holmes
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