Tuesday, April 22, 2014

#NASA#GlobalSelfie day #EarthDay

Today is Earth Day! Mother Earth, our home, the one country we have and have done our best so far to draw lines and divide it into smaller tighter places.

We think sometimes that in this way we owe the jungle or the oil or gas that is treasured into the earth. We even go further and think the islands, those small tiny stones in the huge blue oceans belong to some of us.

We make whole lot of money- if we are lucky and live on those treasure islands- and we study to find out how to refine oil, to dig the mines but one thing we mostly forget is that this money is for the education of every inhabitant on this earth. Who knows, some of us may know how to build bridges :)

 Oh ye mother Earth if you had a language to speak, what would you say? Would you love it that we have divided your beautiful face? We have tear you apart! Wouldn't you want to be whole, for all of us?
Wouldn't you want to be kept clean? Wouldn't you want to be call "Home" for all?

Why is it we think you are a woman Mother Earth? is it because you have the feminine qualities of nurturing? Is it because you are so beautiful? is it because you have so many treasures in your womb?

Happy Earth day Mother Earth!!! Thank you NASA for making it a GlobalSelfie day! As if I had not got enough selfies this year:)  NASA rocks!!!! no but seriously You Rock NASA!


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